Democrats won’t have a clue how to fight the new Republican and it’s going to be GLORIOUS. Ok, so we know we shouldn’t get overly cocky about November HOWEVER, Biden’s approval numbers keep going down and down and Americans are more and more unhappy under the Democrat majority. Inflation, expensive gas, bare shelves, a recession … Democrats are already in deep even with the FREAK OUT over Roe.
But when you add the ‘new Republican’ Wokal Distance describes in this kick-butt thread to the mix?
Boom goes the dynamite.
The new Republican will require a new fusion-ism.The 80's Reaganism was fiscal conservatives, small government, social conservatives, and foreign policy interventionism.
This is dead.
There must be a new fusionism…
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
That fusionsim will look like a multi ethnic, pro-family coalition. It will move the family back to the center of policy.The means libertarian economics loosens it's grip on conservative policy making. Pro family displaces small government at the center of policy making.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
Families won in Virginia.
This absolutely makes sense.
Keep going.
Along with being pro-family the coalition is anti-woke. That is, it opposes the methods and goals of the hard left "woke" movement. The goal is to create a good society through good families, not by trying to endlessly restructure society to remove all inequality.— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
Good society through good families.
Consistent with being anti-woke, the coalition is pro-America. That is, the coalition rejects the notion that America is inherently evil, racist, sexist, or bigoted. The new right coalition Think America is a good thing, and that it ought to continue.— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
Gosh, imagine that. Republicans loving their family and America.
Seems obvious, right?
The coalition will be non-interventionist. There will be no more Iraq War style interventionism. The coalition will no longer seek to engage in nation building. The existence of NATO and support for israel will continue, but invasions, regime change, and endless war will not.— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
The focus will be on America.
Shocking, we know.
neo-social conservatives must accept both:
1. Common good constitutional interpretation is dead because Originalism took out "Roe," and Originalism is correct about how interpretation an meaning works.2. They do not have a blank cheque to implement their social ideas.
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
Social conservatives must make concessions to other areas of the conservative movement.For example, attempts to ban porn are a nonstarter for free speech conservatives…but Social Conservatives can get legislation making it harder for minors to access pornography, and…
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
make sure that human trafficking and prostitution within the porn industry is rooted out and punished. But banning it is out. First amendment conservative will never go for that, and social conservatives do not have the votes to win without help.— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
Still reading?
Told you this was good.
Same for abortion. Leave the issue to the state legislatures.DO NOT BE LIKE THE WOKE!!!!
If the Social Cons purity spiral over abortion the conservative movement falls apart, Dems will win and enact abortion on demand until the 9th month paid for by the state…
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
Leave it to the state legislatures.
In states where they have the votes by all means ban abortion except for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. But do not destroy the coalition by trying to do that in places where you don't have the votes, and don't try to punish Republicans who disagree…— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
Don’t try this in California.
Social conservatives shouldn't take their ball and go home if they don't get everything they want. Everyone in MAGA teamed up to get Roe V. Wade overturned. let the issue return to the states and be thankful to the coalition that helped you get this tremedous win.— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
Because, it's a coalition, and the fiscal conservatives will also need to give something up, and they will need to allow social conservatives to get funding for their crisis pregnancy centres, and funding for an overhaul of the foster system and adoption system….— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
If we want to truly support life we should fund pregnancy centers and provide tools to families … again, focus on the family.
if social conservatives can't purity spiral on abortion, small government and fiscal conservativse can't purity spiral on fiscal issues. Everyone needs to give a little to get along: fund crisis pregnancy centers and fund an overhaul of the foster and adoption systems.— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
This used to be the American way.
Now it’s the ‘new Republican.’
The platform I just laid out can win, an it can win big league!!!
If we avoid a purity spiral, and we walk forward with trust in each other we can win!!!!Let's do that. 😃😃😃😃😃😃
— Wokal Distance (@wokal_distance) June 27, 2022
Let’s do that.
Let’s WIN!
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