You guys remember when Stacey Abrams went to a grade school for a photo-op and was the only one NOT masked in a room full of young kiddos? Horrible optics, her sitting there like she’s the most important person in their little worlds while their faces were covered.
Guess she didn’t like the blowback from that misstep because she made a kid take his mask OFF for a photo-op this time.
What a fake, nasty harpy this woman is.
Stacey Abrams asks a kid to remove their mask for a photo op and whines about having “had trouble” with kids and masks.
— Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) June 6, 2022
So even though his parents may want him to wear a mask, Stacey wanted him to remove it.
For a photo-op.
For politics.
C’mon, Georgia. Be smarter than this.
Hey Stacey, why not think of the child first?
— Skeleton Dan (@skeletondaniel) June 7, 2022
So again, a child’s decision concerning a mask was overridden by her need for a photo op.
— Clive Davidson (@CliveSDavidson) June 7, 2022
It’s all about her.
And it always has been.
It’s called science!!!! 🤡🌎
— CultOfWoke (@cultofwoke) June 7, 2022
DeSantis: Take the masks off if you want, they do nothing, it's theatre ==> *Angry Mob*
Abhrams: Take the mask off for this photo, I've had trouble with masks in photos before (no concern about Covid, why the mask was being worn in the first place, all theatre) ==> Applause
— n0tb0t (@n0tb0t2) June 7, 2022
Funny how that works, eh?