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Let the REEE'ing BEGIN! Elon Musk MOCKS corporations' fake virtue-signaling with rainbow logos we'll see in June and Lefties LOSE IT

Brace yourselves, here come the corporate virtue-signaling LGBT logos for the month of June.



Nothing says you care about the LGBTQ community like making your logo a rainbow.

And so many of them will do it …

Minus logos they have for any Middle East country but we digress.


See what we mean?

Such pretty rainbow logos, except for that one for the Middle East.


Nice virtual signaling y’all.

Annnd cue the meltdown:

It’s called a joke.

Tesla put out a rainbow logo?


THIS is Elon mocking corporations for pretending changing the color of their logos for a month actually means something.

But then … there’s this:

Of course, that’s four years ago but still.


Such a strange flex.

Oh, and this might clear everything up …

There it is.



DAMN good thread of ‘lesser discussed issues’ adding to mental illness in young men DEBUNKS Left’s claim that it’s just THE GUNS

Can’t make this UP (LOL)! NBC reports Biden ‘rattled’ by how unpopular he is, resents aides correcting his ‘clear and succinct’ statements

Womp WOMP: Gun-grabber BIG MAD that 2A supporters freakin’ LOVE his ‘Ameriguns’ thread showing KICK-A*S pics of people with their guns

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