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Sen. Mazie Hirono gets WAAAY more than she asks for with stupid question about gov doing ANYTHING to men like forcing women to have babies

Poor Mazie Hirono, she just ain’t the brightest crayon in the box.

First and foremost, if Roe v. Wade is overturned abortion will not be banned. We get it, Democrats need people to be stupid enough to think that’s the case so they’ll throw a fit and maybe inspire the base to support them at least a little in November, but it’s just not the truth.


Granted, we know Democrats aren’t exactly concerned with the truth but still.

Secondly, the government is not forcing any woman to have a child – women don’t just magically get pregnant and even when we do get pregnant, regulating abortion doesn’t equal the government forcing women to have children.

And thirdly, Mazie must not be familiar with the draft.

Case in point:

As a famous bunny once said, ‘What a maroon.’

If she had stopped there at LEAST she would have been somewhat accurate.


Yeah, ma’am.



Blue-check corncob who mocked families mourning miscarriages TRIES playing the victim and YEAH, that doesn’t go so hot for him

THIS: Batya Ungar-Sargon compares how much BETTER red states treated poor kids of color during COVID than blue states in must-read thread

Who they REALLY are (and always will be): Pro-abort activists have BIG plans to harass mothers and SCOTUS justices

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