You get a booster and YOU get a booster and YOU get a booster … everyone gets a BOOOOOOOOSTER!
We get what Asha Rangappa was trying to do here with a sideways attempt at shaming people who do not want to get vaccinated, but all she really did was expose how absolutely indoctrinated she is by the propaganda around the shot. And how willing she is to allow the government to be her keeper.
What’s the opposite extreme of anti-vax? Like, I would literally get a booster every week if it meant I could live my life and do the things I love doing without killing myself or other people
— Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) December 19, 2021
This did not work out well for her.
What sort of person is ok with any government making them take a shot every week to live their lives as they choose?
CNN sure can pick ’em.
The list goes on and on.
Hypochondriac. The term for wanting a vaccine weekly to protect you against a cold virus that has less than half a percent chance of killing you is "hypochondriac."
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) December 19, 2021
Pssst, you already can.
— Write Girl Problems (@WriteGrlProbs) December 19, 2021
This. ^
Then you're a hypochondriac and should seek counseling…of course with your history this is the least reason for you to seek counseling
— Scott C ""Panem Et Circenses" (@ScottC20012) December 19, 2021
FBI, lawyer, CNN analyst. This explains a lot about those three organizations.
— Resurrected E (@ResurrectedE) December 19, 2021
Don’t it?
Wait… You’ve been killing people this whole time?
— Kenny Webster (@KennethRWebster) December 19, 2021
If you have to take the booster every week it means the vax doesn’t work.
— takashi I hate everything yamamoto (@drunkenalpaca) December 19, 2021
And there it is.
The vaccine might NOT work if you have to take it over and over and over and over again.
Just sayin’.
Things brainwashed people say. All available evidence says her solution does not produce her outcome criteria.
— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) December 19, 2021