Axios: Biden Officials Typically Bush Off the President's 'Ordinary Brain Farts'
Hollywood Lefties Blame CNN for Biden’s Debate Performance
Keith Olbermann Calls for CNN to be Burned to the Ground
FINAL HOURS: 60% Off VIP Membership. Ends TODAY!
Did 'Middle Class Joe' Biden Tell the Folks at Waffle House Where He...
Dr. Jill Biden Campaigns Hard for First Lady in North Carolina
Greg Gutfeld Has an Important Reminder About Why Dems and Media Are 'Reacting...
First Uvalde Cowards Charged After Refusing to Defend School Shooting Victims
Reps. Nancy Mace and Tim Burchett Drop a METEOR on Civil Rights Activist's...
David Axelrod Admits the Quiet Part Aloud ... Biden Probably Should Have Been...
Obama and Clinton Desperately Try to Shore Up Biden Support but Pundits are...
Townhall's John Hasson Compiles Shocking List of World Events Occurring Outside of Biden's...
New Dem/Media Spin Alert! 'There Are Sometimes TWO Bidens'
Rep. Thomas Massie Shares Heartbreaking Personal News
Media BAFFLED By Biden at the Debate vs. Biden at Yesterday's Rally (It's...

'Do you like movies about Gladiators?' Biden asks kid to meet him after bill signing to 'show him around the White House' and OMG-LOL (watch)

Someone close to Biden needs to tell him to stop with the creepy kid stuff. Seriously.

Anyone watching knows THIS IS NOT NORMAL.


Meet me after this, I can show you around the White House.

Yeah, no thanks, Creepy Uncle Joe.



Something like that.

And keep ruuuuuuuunning.


This is an insult to creepy weirdos everywhere.



POPCORN! Sources close to Kamala Harris claim she’s SUPER unpopular because racist Biden admin only defends white me

WOW: Tim Pool shares WHY he believes ADA Kraus cropped and even EDITED evidence in Rittenhouse trial in DAMNING thread

‘Ultimate REAPING of what they’ve sown’: Glenn Greenwald perfectly mocks College Dems canceling THEMSELVES over old bigoted tweets

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