You know the face you make when someone says something just so asinine you can’t believe it’s real but you know it’s real because you just read it on Twitter? Yeah, we just made that face.
Granted, we make that same face a lot when we read Nikole Hannah Jones’ tweets but still.
Feeling ashamed of shameful things is not BAD. It’s called being an empathetic and moral human being. Shame helps us do better. When I visited the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum about the impact of the US’s atomic bomb, as an American, I felt shame.
— Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones) November 6, 2021
No suprise she still poorly understands history. A land invasion of japan would have cost millions of lives. And you want to know about horrific shame read about unit 731 or the Nanking massacre. Or the 3-10 million killed by Japan’s army between 1937-45.
— J H (@JHabeck) November 6, 2021
And she totally listened.
She totally did not.
And if anyone knows propaganda it’s this broad.
“Propaganda is not history”
— Balthazar Grimm (@BalthazarGrimm) November 7, 2021
This is why liberals act the way they do. They are 100% ignorant about history. They have rewritten it in their heads because everything liberals do is in some weird fictional fantasy land
— Pronoun: Exempt Government Employee (@Jon4Freedom) November 11, 2021
Nobody who knows anything about the ending of the Pacific War thinks this.
Literally, nobody.
This is the dumbest take I've ever seen about the 6/9 AUG 1945 atomic bomb attacks on Japan.
— John Schindler (@20committee) November 11, 2021
Notre Dame may be questioning that B.A. in History, sunshine.
— Lead Volpe (@volpeforce5) November 11, 2021
It’s difficult to be this wrong about a historical event, but she certainly is good at it.
— Jamie Hale (@RichmondWahoo) November 11, 2021
Nothing you just said was true.
— RBe (@RBPundit) November 11, 2021
This person is a “professor”
— Brett Field (@Only_One_Field) November 11, 2021
Scary stuff.
pulitzer-worthy content right here
— semite, yo (@sarahbellumd) November 11, 2021
Something like that.
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