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'Black employees will be most likely to be fired': Detailed thread from psychologist explains how RACIST Biden's vaccine mandate really is

We realize lots and lots of Lefties and progressives cheer the idea of the vaccine mandate because in their teeny, tiny little minds the majority of the unvaccinated is a bunch of backwoods redneck white straight Trump supporters OD’ing on horse dewormer.


Ironically they are supporting the very racism they claim to oppose.

As usual.

Check out this thread:

Vaccine mandate will cause a disproportionate impact on minority communities.

Gosh, if only someone had told Biden this …

Oh, wait.

Fits the definition of racism.

Way to go, Team Sleepy Joe.


It’s politically really stupid.

Yeah yeah, she said it better but that’s basically what this means.


Nationwide the numbers are very different but still.


Let’s hear it for that Biden mandate.




‘Why NOT change? Why not put a stake in the heart of EVIL?’ Rose McGowan goes off in speech pushing to #RecallNewsom and damn (watch)

‘Yeah, he SUCKS’: David Frum tweeting SMUG thread mocking ‘civil disobedience’ over vaccine mandate does NOT go well for him, like at all

‘Just f’ing EVIL’: Glenn Greenwald explains how an entire Afghan family was killed to protect Biden from a bad news cycle and MORE in brutal thread

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