Please, please, please tell us The Lincoln Project did NOT compare their ridiculous, grifting organization to the brave men who fought actual fascism during World War II. And on the anniversary of DDay? REALLY?!!?!?
The work of opposing fascism is as American as apple pie. As we again face the rise fascism — this time on our own shores — that work must continue. #DDay
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) June 6, 2021
Lincoln would never stop throwing up if he saw what these yahoos were doing in his name.
You can see how little LP actually cares in making their l moronic comparison of themselves to those who landed in Normandy.
But–it's all about scamming cash from the suckers for LP.
— mallen2010 (@mallen_2010) June 6, 2021
If you look through the people giving them credit and thanking them for this garbage they would NOT have voted for Lincoln.
Just sayin’.
I’m not sure landing on the Normandy beaches really compares to trying to corner your intern Norm in de broom closet.
— Bocephus (@lordthx1139) June 6, 2021
You plan on fighting pedophilia any time soon?
— Silence and Frost (@secjr112) June 6, 2021
That whole John Weaver thing ain’t going away, fellas.
— Cubonomics (@rcant0) June 6, 2021
Stolen valor.
Why does Antifa have to go back 75+ years to steal an accomplishment from others?
Can't you point to an Antifa-sponsored building or homeless program?
— Positively Caustic (@PosCaustic) June 6, 2021
Really a horrible look.
— Cincy Browncoat – You can't take the sky from me (@cincy_browncoat) June 6, 2021
You couldn’t (or wouldn’t) even face the fact that you had a full blown groomer and pedophile as one of your founders, much less face fascism. GTFOH 🙄
— Helen Wheels (@txtiger1) June 6, 2021
Christ, are you still here?
— Shay Patrick Cormac (@ShayCormac_1) June 6, 2021
Sadly, yes.
Although we’re not entirely sure what purpose they serve other than to milk morons out of money.
I hope you just didn't make that comparison
— David (@ReallyFouts) June 6, 2021
Man that a HARD GRIFT! keep trying GRIFTERS!!!!
— Dr. brisque 🙏🏻 (@brisque) June 6, 2021
Wow, what a bunch of self aggrandizing garbage.
— Cows with Guns (@steaknbacon13) June 6, 2021
And that sums this up quite nicely.