Awwww, look at Ben Rhodes defending John Kerry from the evil right-wing media.
And Iran for that matter.
Except for the last time we checked, Iran’s Foreign Minister wasn’t part of the right-wing media.
Republicans pretending to be outraged about John Kerry talking about things that were widely and publicly known at the time is the classic disinformation campaign: try to launder a lie through sufficient right-wing media outrage to get mainstream attention.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) April 26, 2021
Ben and Iran, sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.
So weird.
Iran's Foreign Minister is the one who said it, not "right-wing media"
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 27, 2021
Find someone who loves you the way Ben loves Iran.
— mallen2010 (@mallen2010) April 26, 2021
Awwww, it’s true love.
Ben has a serious conflict of interest in this story. Dude is so invested in a narrative that he should be ignored when commenting on it.
— Sexy Dad Bod Mike (@bod25mike) April 27, 2021
But if we ignore him we can’t make fun of him.
C’mon man!
You literally bragged about lying to journalists about the Iran Deal.
— You Should Have Voted For Jo (@colorblindk1d) April 27, 2021
Liberals covering for a traitor … again
— Lalapuj (@lalapuj) April 27, 2021
You are discussing lies?
— Dog guy (@Catsorange1) April 26, 2021
So it’s disinformation from the nyt based on an actual audio recording?
— Auston White (@AustonWhite3) April 26, 2021
All that right-wing media.
What a maroon.
Vinny the Chin Kerry needs to go.
— I Hate The Media© ?? (@ihatethemedia) April 27, 2021
Lurch has more than worn out his welcome. Yup.
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