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Psh, they needed a study for THIS?! New study shows no other group is unhappier than liberal men and ROFL

BREAKING: Liberal men are the unhappiest group in the country.

BREAKING: Water is still wet.


Honestly, we were pretty sure it was white liberal women who are the unhappiest group out there considering they are the ones who complain and make the most noise. Perhaps it’s living with THAT that makes liberal men even unhappier than their female counterparts?


Excuse us but we were promised there would be no math.

Or trying to figure out someone’s gender.

Or trying to make sure they don’t oppress others.


It’s gotta suck.

Yup. THAT.



Just BRUTAL: Marjorie Taylor Greene DECIMATES media and the ‘psychotic’ Left-wing in merciless thread about who really runs this country

BOOMAGE! Megyn Kelly’s warning to those trying to force Critical Race Theory down student’s throats is a DOOZY

So we IMPEACH her now, RIGHT?! Maxine Waters’ Chauvin comments while marching in Brooklyn Center sound a LOT like inciting violence (watch)

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