Hey folks, good news! Apparently, COVID doesn’t infect people if they are celebrating a possible Biden win, sort of like how thousands of people weren’t infected while rioting … sorry … peaceful protesting over the summer. Man oh man, it’s impressive how this particular virus only attacks people of a certain political persuasion when out and about.
Only when people are in church, at school, at work, or a Trump rally does the virus somehow magically spread.
At least according to our pals in the media.
AG was good enough to put together a thread showing their blatant hypocrisy:
A bunch of reports today regarding huge spikes in Covid-19 cases, barely a mask in sight, and yet the same people who will shame others for doing casual activities and soon insist on further restrictions will say nothing about this. https://t.co/XPfSBiGufO
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) November 7, 2020
But ORANGE MAN BAD so this is ok.
Something something.
No one should ever take any of the Covid commentary from these guys seriously.
People had to cancel weddings, skip funerals, leave loved ones to die alone. All while being lectured by Hayes and crew about need for such restrictions.
But election dance party? “People need this” pic.twitter.com/B1s0XYk6we
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) November 7, 2020
People had to leave loved ones to die alone.
But it’s ok for a bunch of Biden supporters to party in the streets because ‘they need this.’ We suppose Chris Hayes doesn’t think people need to be with their loved ones when they pass away, or attend funerals or weddings.
What a nob.
I mean…. pic.twitter.com/b3GSd8JsJd
— (((AG))) (@AGHamilton29) November 8, 2020
At this point, all we can do is shake our heads.
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