Imagine having this much time to waste, complaining about the number of times Trump ‘has attacked’ Obama on Twitter. David Frum is in serious need of a hobby or two because this is just pathetic. And c’mon, if he really wants to talk about the number of times someone has attacked someone else on Twitter he might want to take a gander at his own timeline and how often he’s going after the president.
Fox smells his own hole?
According to the (incomplete) Trump Twitter archive, President Trump has tweeted 451 attacks on former President Obama since inauguration day 2017
— David Frum (@davidfrum) May 12, 2020
David. Put the Twitter DOWN, David.
And how many have YOU tweeted attacking Trump?
— Attila the Honeybun. (@TimMansplainsIt) May 12, 2020
I wonder when Durham will be paying Obama a little visit?
— mallen2010 (@mallen2010) May 12, 2020
What universe do you loons on the left live in? It’s definitely not reality!
— D/B/A Bob (@BobSamuelson55) May 12, 2020
Get a hobby and stop counting tweets you smurf.
— Frank (@realBoJazzy) May 12, 2020
Smurf? That works.
Pot calling kettle black.
You're an amazing symbol of what not to be, Frum.
— Jason Hamden (@HamdenJason) May 12, 2020
Hey Karen, how many times have you tweeted attacking Trump?
— Greg B (@ramsangels) May 12, 2020
That’s it? He’s slacking.
— Mouth of Matuszak (@pavelgregory) May 12, 2020
You actually counted.
— Jen Stroup (@JenStroup) May 12, 2020
— LORD SCREWTAPE (@screwtape1a12) May 12, 2020
— Dan Schteiner (@DSchteiner) May 12, 2020
That's too few. Obama had tons of scandals and he's still lying in a CYA attempt (with major assistance from you and your ilk, of course). It isn't working because now we actually KNOW the truth. I mean, we always knew but now there's evidence.
— RexGoesForth (@RexGoesFourth) May 12, 2020
And now that we’re seeing a peak behind the Obama administration curtain, 451 seems low.