Greg Gutfeld actually made the Joe Biden/Bernie Sanders debate entertaining. Ok, it was sorta funny watching two old guys yell at each other sort of like they were fighting over the last Fig Newton but Greg’s commentary on Twitter made it even better.
Note, this editor is just so thrilled to write about something other than the coronavirus, heh.
slaughtering joe – not pretty
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) March 16, 2020
Joe was slaughtering himself, but we digress.
How many different things did he call the coronavirus? Heh.
too cranky farts arguing over who didn't do what or did do that. it's like a florida condo meeting over who keeps parking too close to the boat dock
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) March 16, 2020
Or fighting over the last Fig Newton.
watching 2 candidates try to out-left each other during a time where nothing left actually works, is surreal.
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) March 16, 2020
‘No, I’M the bigger communist! No no, I AM.’
Honestly, we kept waiting for the moderators to correct either of them on the various claims they made (especially Joe with the Obama administration) but eh, it was CNN. Didn’t happen.
About the VP choice, Bernie should have said he'd pick a woman who identifies as a man, who then identifies as a woodland creature named Pixie Wonderdust (who also identifies as a woman)
— GregGutfeld (@greggutfeld) March 16, 2020
Isn’t it nice of them to say they’ll choose a woman as VP while at the same time excluding Tulsi Gabbard from the debate? Gee, thanks guys!
— Holly Ridley (@RidleyHolly) March 16, 2020
Girl power!
Democrats debated tonight.
— PGB (@Pamma7173) March 16, 2020
Did Joe write every bill ever ?
— jeff barnes (@smittymon) March 16, 2020
He did.
And he fought every war ever as well.
In other words Andrew Gillum
— ChargedUp (@Charged14125816) March 16, 2020
And you know what, she’d be more sane and connected than Biden.
That’s what’s so scary.
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