Alyssa Milano very publicly pulled her support from Andrew Yang over an allegation of sexual misconduct among his staffers …
I have made the difficult decision to withdraw my participation from a fundraiser for the @andrewyang campaign. This is due to repeated allegations of sexual misconduct against a campaign staffer by a campaign staffer which were not appropriately addressed. (1/3)
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 11, 2019
While I have not endorsed any candidate, I do believe Andrew Yang is a good man with progressive, smart, interesting ideas. And to be clear, NO allegations have been made against him personally. But this issue is too important and too prevalent. The buck stops at the top. (2/3)
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 11, 2019
Buck stops at the top.
Part of fixing the issue of sexual harassment in our culture is living our values and holding ourselves and the people we admire accountable.
I wish Andrew, his family and his campaign well, and encourage him to immediately and publicly remedy this issue. (3/3)
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) December 11, 2019
Problem with Alyssa’s statement is the sexual harassment accusation appears not to be true.
Drama queens are gonna drama queen, we guess.
NEWS: @AndrewYang on the ?????? allegations:
– Says the staffer accused was FIRED.
("To the extent that a particular individual was in position to mistreat another employee, that's no longer the case today.")
– Claims the "mistreatment" WAS NOT sexual.
— Eugene Daniels (@EugeneDaniels2) December 11, 2019
“We take any allegation of harassement or mistreatment very seriously on this campaign. If anyone on our team hears about this complaint, we act quickly and immediately." – @AndrewYang
— Eugene Daniels (@EugeneDaniels2) December 11, 2019
Alyssa has yet to correct her tweets on the matter, just FYI.
I've been waiting on this news since last night…. This is a huge relief.
— ?Flora? (@florabananya) December 11, 2019
But most of the Yang Gang is just fine with Alyssa not being part of their movement.
The true is that Evelyn will have a great fundraiser with Alyssa or without her!!!
— Latinas For Andrew Yang ? (@LatinasforYang) December 12, 2019
@Alyssa_Milano this was cleared up in 24 hours… what is your stance now?
— Mathematicians For Yang (@yangingtheworld) December 11, 2019
I think the #YangGang is probably better off without her. She seems to be doing more damage than helping
— BaconGingerGarlic (@ginger10bacon) December 11, 2019
It’s interesting how @Alyssa_Milano chose to make assumptions rather than fact check with Yang on issues of this nature. This whole thing makes me wonder a lot about her. Thanks @EugeneDaniels2 for getting to the bottom of it! ?
— Jane D. ? (@LoveWoof) December 12, 2019
Typical Alyssa, why the metoo movement lost traction when people sometimes dont fact checks and jumps to their own conclusion to cancel immediately.
— Peace & Hope (@yangp84) December 11, 2019
I certainly hope she had her facts down before she carpet bombs a campaign like that.
— Brian Michael ? (@BrianMicheal6) December 11, 2019
Facts? Alyssa doesn’t need any stinkin’ facts.
Yang may be better off without her. She's clearly mentally unstable. She may influence a lot of people but I bet she repels just as many, if not more. Especially swing voters.
She's the opposite of an effective way to build a winning coalition.
— Louche Libertine (@WitStream1) December 11, 2019
Guilty till proven innocent
— SawyerWGlasses (@GlassesSawyer) December 11, 2019
It doesn't change the fact that Alyssa co-hosted a fundraiser for Joe Biden,despite numerous sexual misconducts against him.Alyssa needs to be called out as well. Staffer being accused >Biden numerous sexual misconduct
— Killer (@hg6yhy6hyhh) December 11, 2019
Not a great look, Alyssa.
Not at all.
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