Dear Adam Schiff (and heck, Jerry Nadler too),
We’re so grateful to you both for being so partisan and ridiculous that you’ve not only doubled but tripled down on this whole impeachment circus, annoying even people who are not fans of Trump. You’ve both done more damage to the Democratic Party than Trump and his campaign could ever have hoped for. Oh, and we should probably give a nod to Nancy Pelosi who made this all possible.
You guys rock.
Boy howdy, Democrats have really screwed up. Many of us actually tried to tell them being so desperate to impeach Trump would only hurt themselves … luckily they didn’t listen.
They never do.
That being said, the #ImpeachmentBackfire tag that’s trending in first place worldwide on Twitter as we write this article should scare the crap out of them.
Democrats announce articles of impeachment. They say the President is a clear danger to America. And Friday they’re going on vacation for a month. #ImpeachmentBackfire
— MARK SIMONE (@MarkSimoneNY) December 10, 2019
Welp, the world is ending in less than 12 years anyway … might as well live it up.
Shorter Articles of #Impeachment, as summarized by @ScottAdamsSays today:
1. Trump asked Ukraine to investigate corruption that Democrats agreed was worth investigating.
2. Trump asked the courts to do what the Constitution tells them to do.#shampeachment #ImpeachmentBackfire
— Joel B. Pollak (@joelpollak) December 10, 2019
This is not going well for the Democrats.
Ain’t it fun?
Democrats in Congress just jumped the shark with their pathetic articles of impeachment. #ArticlesOfImpeachment #ImpeachmentBackfire #ObstructionOfJustice
— Dr. Carol M. Swain (@carolmswain) December 10, 2019
The dynamic Democrats. So much charisma and intelligence on display. Thank you, for helping insure @realDonaldTrump wins re-election! #MAGA2020 #ImpeachmentBackfire
— Hal Marx (@MayorHalMarx) December 10, 2019
Your President, Donald J. Trump will be re-elected in 2020. #ImpeachmentBackfire
— [Æ] ♠️?? (@HCDotNet) December 10, 2019
Articles of impeachment are an embarrassment to the Democrats. They're making up ways to have an impeachment vote.
There was no bribery, no extortion, no quid pro quo, no high crime or misdemeanors.@realDonaldTrump will be totally exonerated in the Senate. #ImpeachmentBackfire
— Jordan Sekulow (@JordanSekulow) December 10, 2019
I was VEHEMENTLY #NeverTrump in primaries and have the TL to prove it. My excitement when he was elected was only that Hillary would never be POTUS.
Not only am I supporting him in 2020, I'm going to campaign for him and recruit as many as I can for him.#ImpeachmentBackfire
— BonkPolitics (@BonkPolitics) December 10, 2019
I’m a Libertarian. The only time I have voted for a Republican for President was 1988, my first election. I’ve voted for third party candidates ever since. After what I have seen from the FBI and Democrats I am seriously considering a vote for Trump. #ImpeachmentBackfire
— Matthew Kolken (@mkolken) December 10, 2019
The ##ArticlesOfImpeachment is really the Articles of BS from Democrats
This will be an #ImpeachmentBackfire We will support him even more now
RETWEET if you Stand With President @realDonaldTrump #IStandWithPresidentTrump
— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) December 10, 2019
Is it our imagination or does Maxine Waters look like she smelled a fart?
YES WE ARE IMMATURE … but seriously.
Also note, Nancy Pelosi looks more and more surprised every time we see her.
NEW —>>> Elise Stefanik to Adam Schiff: Release *Your* Personal Phone Records, Buddy – #ImpeachmentBackfire
— Sister Delecto Toldjah ? (@sistertoldjah) December 10, 2019
Yeah, buddy.
LOL … #ImpeachmentBackfire was trending #1 on Twitter for a minute or two.
I guess someone panicked and took it down.
— Catturd (@catturd2) December 10, 2019
It’s still there, but a bunch of Resistance types are claiming it’s only because Russian bots are pushing it.
They learned nothing from 2016.
Yawn. No one but the Democrat base cares about their coup attempt.
Sad for America that Dems have made a mockery of a process that should be serious and used only in critical situations, not because a party can’t tolerate any thinking they dislike. #ImpeachmentBackfire
— Georgia Conservative (@GeorgiaConsrv72) December 10, 2019
New poll numbers reveal shocking surge for President Trump
— Larry Elder (@larryelder) December 10, 2019
As we said, thanks Dip Schiff!
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