If you find yourself defending the LEADER OF FREAKIN’ ISIS because you just hate Trump that much it might be time to sit the eff down and rethink your beliefs.
Or remove the fedora and take a nice long walk.
When you find yourself defending the leader of ISIS against accusations of cowardice, it's time to take a long walk, take the fedora off, and rethink some things. pic.twitter.com/4KUOYIRHIA
— James Hasson (@JamesHasson20) October 29, 2019
Dude, Max really, really REALLY stepped in it this time.
“Max Boot takes the cake as he usually does, with stupidity”
I laughed
— The Dank Knight ??? (@capeandcowell) October 29, 2019
We kinda sorta giggled as well.
Since Trump winning the presidency broke him so badly, Max has written some stupid stuff but his take on al-Baghdadi was so bad that even he tried backpedaling, but by then it was too late.
Imagine how absolutely gone you have to be to defend not only a POS terrorist, but the LEADER OF ISIS.
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) October 29, 2019
Never go full Max Boot
— Larry Gets Lost (Austure Scholar) (@larrygetslost) October 29, 2019
He should lose the fedora regardless
— MoeGreene'sEye (@moegreeneseye) October 29, 2019
actual lol at “take the fedora off”
— LB (@beyondreasdoubt) October 29, 2019
Seriously, if we don’t laugh at Max we’ll never stop throwing up.
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