What happened to S.E. Cupp?
Does CNN really and truly just destroy the people who work there? After what we saw from Project Veritas this week where Zucker was openly pushing for stories promoting Trump’s impeachment and other footage of CNN employees admitting their bias and hate for the president we suppose we shouldn’t be surprised.
Whatever your politics, we should never ever again elect someone so ignorant of foreign affairs, so blind to geopolitical implications, so bereft of moral and ethical compunction, and so apathetic to history’s long gaze. Syria will be a lasting stain on the Trump presidency.
— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) October 18, 2019
So melodramatic.
Nothing convinces voters like bossing them around when it comes to their vote.
You're right. Obama was terrible. https://t.co/35gn4vfFFG
— Oregon Designer (@Easycure) October 18, 2019
She really could have been talking about Obama but you know, orange man bad.
It's your ignorance and hatred is what helped get Trump elected in 2016, but you still haven't figured that out yet.
— Jerry Fletcher (@guntotingteabag) October 18, 2019
No, no she hasn’t figured that out yet.
I thought Syria was a lasting stain on Obama. Red line? Assad Gassing children? Any of this ringing a bell?
Oh and the worldwide apology tour. ISIS is the jv team. Iran Deal. @brhodes as an advisor.
Yup Obama seems to fit the bill of your little rant quite well.
— johnny cy (@johnnycy89) October 18, 2019
So don’t elect Democrats. Got it
— Scottergate ? (@Scottergate) October 18, 2019
Whatever your politics, we should never ever again elect someone so ignorant of foreign affairs, so blind to geopolitical implications, so bereft of moral and ethical compunction, and so apathetic to history’s long gaze. Syria will be a lasting stain on the OBAMA presidency.
FIFY— RW Nutjob ?? (@RWNutjob1) October 18, 2019
The PKK are not the same as the Iraqi Kurds. They are fighting warriors who love arms and cash. We shouldn’t have been in bed with them in the first place. Sorry; Trump is correct. You are so blind with hatred of Trump that you haven’t done your research. Shame on you.
— Apocalyptica (@Kelly3132) October 18, 2019
Obama isn't in the White House anymore.
— Karsten Kinstler (@KarstenKinstler) October 18, 2019
Because all of the “foreign policy experts” of the past 70 years have done such a bang up job on the Middle East we should definitely stay on that path.
— Palatine Pundit (@palatinepundit) October 18, 2019
No it will be a long-lasting stain on the Obama presidency, not Trumps.
— Freedom of Religion (@dlh8) October 18, 2019
All true but you realize @BarackObama did the same thing and created Isis in the process so the “never ever” schtick is a little vapid given the last guy was just as bad.
— Ted Crumpet (@Tcrumps) October 18, 2019
Syria is a stain on Obama and Clinton, who got involved after ruining Libya (where there’s now actual slavery). Be honest.
— Tim Andrews ? (@TimAndrewsHere) October 18, 2019
Yeah, before Trump, no President has ever made a bad foreign policy decision. We need to get back to that.
— BirdGang19 (@bird_gang18) October 18, 2019
The problems in Syria and Libya were caused by US military intervention under Obama.
— TheCarston (@TheCarston) October 18, 2019
We should never ever have been there.
— Dog guy (@Catsorange1) October 18, 2019
It will be like a red line that we’ve crossed somehow. Oh wait…
— tab² (@Tommytabtab) October 18, 2019
Gosh, that does sound familiar.
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