Once Nancy Pelosi jumped onto the impeachment bandwagon she really went all in. And here we thought she was smarter than that.
But when we see her subtweeting a Republican senator like Joni Ernst it’s all the more obvious that we were wrong about that whole ‘being smart’ thing.
Take a look:
Republicans are now refusing to answer the simplest question: whether it’s acceptable for a president to pressure foreign countries to undermine our elections.
American elections should be decided by Americans, not by “favors” from foreign governments.https://t.co/wrx4NhPT48
— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) October 10, 2019
Nancy didn’t bother to tag Joni so she could defend herself or answer her smug and sanctimonious tweet. And it was a loaded question in the first place so we hardly blame Joni for not answering.
Luckily, the good senator from Iowas saw Nancy’s subtweet and responded.
Actually, American elections should be decided by ELECTIONS. Not politicians. I know you’re still upset about the results from 2016, but people here in Iowa would sure appreciate it if you spent less time playing political games and actually brought #USMCAnow up for a vote. https://t.co/YM07a1MXbl
— Joni Ernst (@joniernst) October 10, 2019
In other words, sit down, Nancy.
Your interpretation of what pressure is lacks credibility since you have zero evidence. And, convicting Teddy Kennedy posthumously in the court of public opinion for soliciting the Russians to help him beat Reagan in ‘84 is a little too late, but Hillary is still ripe.
— Bloviating Old Salty Bastard (@charlietrips) October 10, 2019
I have no problem with Trump looking into corruption. That is his job. What I have a problem with is your lies and false accusations against a dully elected president. What the Democrats have done for the past 3 years is beyond ridiculous.
— Freedom (@dlh8) October 10, 2019
I suppose you believe that an impeachment vote by the democrat majority house will somehow magically remove Trump from office? Really? Of course you do ?
— Lu (@jllgraham) October 10, 2019
I wouldn't answer that loaded bs question either. Vote or shut up.
— Lynn Smith (@lynn_a_smith) October 10, 2019
Just stop it
— Katie (@CovfefeKatie) October 10, 2019
Oh, I don't know, Nanc. With so many Democrats on the board of foreign energy companies, Uranium One, letters from Dem senators pressuring foreign govs… Let's drag them all before Congress under oath and see how it plays out. @realDonaldTrump
— Kathleen (@Gran_Cracka) October 10, 2019
We like how ‘Kathleen’ thinks.
Let’s do this, Nan.
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