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But wait, it gets WORSE! Top editors on NYT 'news side' felt Pogrebin and Kelly's reporting on Kavanaugh did NOT warrant a story

Boy howdy, it sure does seem to be raining crap all over the New York Times this week, especially on the journos responsible for the Kavanaugh hit-piece that continues to fall apart more and more. Between the infamous ‘editor’s note’ that all but debunks their entire piece and now this little nugget about the reaction of top editors on the news side of things, this has been a train wreck on steroids.


And it couldn’t happen to a more deserving rag.

From Vanity Fair:

As much as the new flurry of reports concerning Brett Kavanaugh’s college behavior has reignited a debate over his suitability to serve on the Supreme Court, they’ve also supercharged the ever-volatile climate of New York Times outrage. The paper is once again engulfed in a familiar maelstrom, taking heavy incoming from both sides on Twitter and cable news. It began over the weekend, with an adaptation from Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly’s new book, The Education of Brett Kavanaugh. Their excerpt surfaced a previously unreported allegation, from former Yale classmate Max Stier, that Kavanaugh’s friends once “pushed his penis into the hand of a female student” during a drunken dorm party. It also reported that “Mr. Stier, who runs a nonprofit organization in Washington, notified senators and the FBI about this account, but the FBI did not investigate.”

Wow, indeed.


And don’t forget totally desperate.


Or … wait for it … FAKE NEWS.


This freakin’ GUY –> Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse can’t WAIT to make a fool of himself in thread claiming he’s confident Kavanaugh lied

‘STUNNING correction’: Ted Cruz torches 2020 Dem candidates for using NYT Kavanaugh hit-piece to push for impeachment

‘YOU are the mess’: Jennifer Rubin trips all over herself in RUSH to point the smear-finger at Kavanaugh and support the NYT

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