Leave it to Sharyl Attkisson to ask questions nobody wants asked about the e-cigarette ban. It’s not the first time the actual investigative journalist has been front and center pushing buttons about a hot topic …
1-Always interesting to see that when powerful/financial interests want to alert us to health issues, you get a daily count, list of states, etc. But when they don't want us to know of a particular risk or issue, it's very hard to find in the public dialogue.
— Sharyl Attkisson?️♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) September 12, 2019
She may be onto something here.
2-There's legitimate concern about vaping. Why is TV advertising of cigarettes banned but e-cigarettes allowed? Who owns e-cigarette companies and…
— Sharyl Attkisson?️♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) September 12, 2019
3-Who benefits financially if flavors are banned but *only* tobacco e-cigarette e-liquid is allowed?
— Sharyl Attkisson?️♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) September 12, 2019
4/ For example last winter, few reported 127 cases of mysterious polio-like paralysis in 22 states … the paralyzed victims’ average age four years old. https://t.co/LKc4S6qS3E
— Sharyl Attkisson?️♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) September 12, 2019
*adjusts tinfoil hat*
5-Not widely reported: In five months in US, there were more than a thousand (1,153) severe cases of EV-D68, at least 14 deaths and 120 known cases of AFM paralysis, mostly young children. https://t.co/VMrTiPNTJo
— Sharyl Attkisson?️♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) September 12, 2019
6-But I have a feeling we are about to hear about every single e-cigarette incident. Again, not saying there isn't reason for concern, it's just that I believe financial interests wants us concerned about that and not other health issues.
— Sharyl Attkisson?️♂️ (@SharylAttkisson) September 12, 2019
Follow the money.
And the power.
True story.
The tail wags the dog.
— Steve Cox (@RealSteveCox) September 12, 2019
So what else is new?
More people die from cigarettes and they are still legal???
— No BS (@BruceGreen615) September 12, 2019
Where’s the cigarette ban?
Wait, let’s not give them any ideas.
Note: To be completely transparent, this editor is not a smoker or a vaper (and honestly is not a fan of either) but the government banning something at this level is not a good thing. Like, at all. What’s next? A ban on sugar? Wheat? Fast food?
Yeah, we know you know, but it’s a slippery slope, folks.
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