Matt Zarb-Cousin seems very concerned for our friends in the left-wing media who are apparently getting attacked in the street.
Journalists getting attacked in the street because they’re left wing, the absolute state of what this country has become. We’ve got to a point where mainstream political commentators apparently need bodyguards when they go out
— Matt Zarb-Cousin (@mattzarb) August 17, 2019
Only ‘mainstream’ political commentators?
And only on the left?
Our second-favorite parody (Spicier forever!), Titania McGrath, used satire to mock the entire idea that only the left-wing media is getting attacked.
Our society was so much more civilised when it was just the right-wing journalists who were getting punched.
— Titania McGrath (@TitaniaMcGrath) August 19, 2019
S’all good when someone like Andy Ngo gets beaten so badly that he ends up with a brain-bleed for simply trying to cover an Antifa ‘protest,’ but don’t be mean to left-wing reporters. The hypocrisy is astonishing.
Side note, Titania is such a great parody.
CC: @MrAndyNgo
— DanCamm (@Dan_Camm) August 19, 2019
That. ^
But when the same thing happens to right wing people, it's just resisting the fascists right?
This is another example of hypocrisy, double standard and partisanship.
— QueenMJ? (@thequeenswords) August 19, 2019
Well duh.
The #NewRules
— Brian O'Kelley (@BrianOKelley1) August 19, 2019
True story. We’ve been telling the Left for years they won’t enjoy the ‘new rules’ they keep putting in place.
And here we are.
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