You guys remember E. Jean Carroll, right? The woman who claimed she was raped by Trump, then said it was some sort of sex fantasy for women, then said she fought, then said he didn’t rape her … and after all of that only managed to sell 1,900 copies of the book she was trying to push with said claim.
Talk about embarrassing.
What’s even more embarrassing though is the media propping her up and putting her on a major book tour of sorts even though her book is listed at #3,421 while deliberately ignoring the #1 book in the country because a conservative wrote it.
Luke Rosiak’s thread spells it out perfectly:
TV Ignores Conservative Authors of #1 Book In The Country, While Putting Liberal Author of #3,421 Book On Major Tour
E. Jean Carroll's book sold a preposterously low 1,900 copies, despite being propped up by major networks.
— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) July 11, 2019
Kavanaugh book is top seller in the nation, but not a single one of the networks would interview its author @MZHemingway, with CBS turning down an exclusive
Not sure there has been a clearer illustration of the gap between the media and America–& the media's declining influence
— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) July 11, 2019
But that book talks about the raw deal Kavanaugh got and that’s icky news!
E. Jean Carroll was mentioned or appeared on TV 149 times, and sold only *13 books per TV show!*
Americans found her so unbelievable that she sold only 1,900 copies.
This is the stuff the media tries to force down a reluctant America's throat.
— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) July 11, 2019
13 books per show.
Imagine selling your soul and dignity for 13 books a show.
Media kept promoting Carroll's book even as she said
–she was raped by Trump
–wasn't raped
–people think rape is sexy
–book's point is: speak out
–you shouldn't speak out
–she didn't think accusing president or rape would get attention
–Anderson Cooper is 'fascinating'— Luke Rosiak (@lukerosiak) July 11, 2019
What a freaking train wreck.
That last point seems normal, almost mundane, compared the other items on that list…until you see the video.
— Bill Phillips (@bphi1908) July 11, 2019
And that video was INSANE.
Crazy Carroll another person CNN made famous over night!
They keep parading the crazy’s one be one and they keep on telling lies over and over! Sooner or later you people may wake up!
— KFred♟of 45 (@Kfred4LSU) July 12, 2019
CNN will prop anyone up as long as they hate Trump as much as they do. Look at Michael Avenatti for example …
And just look at what it’s done to their credibility with Americans and their ability to influence them.
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