No idea who Nate McMurray is and we probably wouldn’t care about who he is if he hadn’t tweeted something so ridiculous and stupid that we have to write about it.
Yay Twitter!
You know that face you make when you see a COEXIST bumper sticker on a Prius going slow in the left lane? Just made that face. *so many eye-rolls*
You heard me. No apologies. The same reason you don’t need a lion to protect your home, is why you don’t need a rifle that shoots at 3X the speed of sound and splits concrete like ice. It’s an unreasonable risk.
End the mass shooter era in America
— Nate McMurray (@Nate_McMurray) June 25, 2019
Whatever you say there, Sparky.
You’re not even coming for a congressional cafeteria pass.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) June 25, 2019
Awwww, so THAT’S who he is.
Tough guys like Nate won't actually come for your guns, they expect others to do it for them through mandates or legislation forced on us
There will be no disarming of the populace, they can legislate and force all they want
THEY can't act on their own however#ComeAndTakeThem ?— Sean Doncaster (@orangeman509) June 25, 2019
This just gets funnier and funnier.
My hunting rifle is more powerful than that and if I have to use it to defend my life, home, or family, what are you going to do about it?
— Kabloona! Kabloona! (@ODhonnabhain) June 25, 2019
We’re not entirely sure what this Nate guy was thinking, it seems a foolish thing to us to tell a bunch of gun owners he’s coming for their guns but whatever floats his boat.
So, not like those bullets you can dodge from other weapons?
?— Smacking Duck (@sttngduck) June 25, 2019
Because ppl like you want to invade my home. BTW-> #2 was not about hunting nor defending my home. It was to counter a tyrannical Gov->much like what you are calling for.
— HICKORY (@claydirtman) June 25, 2019
That. ^
Bless your heart….
— Jim (@WFSecurityNerd) June 25, 2019
You go right ahead, sir.
— Charles Bellows (@charles_bellows) June 25, 2019
— Marvin the Martian (@the_kaboom) June 25, 2019
Meh squared.
The reason we're keeping our guns is fruitcakes like you.
(Also, with a single tweet, you've made it abundantly clear that you don't know jack about firearms.)
— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ (@AF632) June 25, 2019
— Jags Movie Guy (@MoviePaul) June 25, 2019
Good luck princess
— J-Full Semi Blast Auto w/turbo Clip (@jba7501) June 25, 2019
Yeah, princess.
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