Imagine going through life believing your political opponents were all Nazis.
Every day it seems like the Left loses a little bit more of their minds and the ability to understand reality. If what this nobody blue check, Josh Olson, said was true, we’re pretty positive he wouldn’t be able to tweet about it.
Because you know, Nazis.
But hey, whatever helps him sleep better at night.
Our political opponents are Nazis. The only good solution is to remove them from the political arena.
— Josh Olson (@joshuarolson) June 19, 2019
You know who else wanted their political opponents removed?
Ugh, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really opened up a can of stupid with her concentration camp comments this week.
You're all out of arguments, so just ban those you disagree with…amirite.
— Ken Brisnehan (@KBrisnehan) June 21, 2019
Dude, totally.
You sound completely unhinged if you see Nazis everywhere.
— Marushia Dark (@MarushiaDark) June 21, 2019
That’s because anyone who sees Nazis everywhere is unhinged.
Chad Felix Greene asked Twitter Safety why Olson’s tweet which clearly dehumanizes a large group of people, hasn’t been ‘dealt with.’
About that 'dehumanizing language' policy of yours @TwitterSafety?
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) June 20, 2019
Considering we’ve seen conservatives suspended permanently for using the word ‘pansy’ this seems like a fair question to ask Twitter.
Olson responded:
How, exactly, is it dehumanizing to refer to Nazis as Nazis?
— Josh Olson (@joshuarolson) June 21, 2019
At some point, we have to start accepting that some of these people simply ate too many paint chips as children and there is no reasoning with them.
Josh sees all the Nazis guys. He's the hero we've been waiting for! ?
— Somebody Tweeted (@NotHappening143) June 21, 2019
Not all heroes wear capes or something.
Overusing and misapplying the #Nazi label to opponents is also a way for people like Josh to justify labeling themselves with ridiculously noble tags like the #Resistance.
Like they would have a clue on how to operate in an actual wartime resistance ala the French in WWII.
— MIKE BRESLIN’S POINTLESS TWEETS (@mikebreslin815) June 21, 2019
You realize the last real Nazi died at Nuremberg?
Every accusation is just petty feet stomping.
— Motherly Incorrect (@MomIncorrect) June 21, 2019
"Siri, how does mischaracterization work."
"Oh, and straw men. That too, Siri!"
— MIKE BRESLIN’S POINTLESS TWEETS (@mikebreslin815) June 21, 2019
Josh the only nazi here is you. You are too much of a chump to see it. Have a nice day though
— louiswu (@louiswu5) June 21, 2019
Have a nice day though.
See, no reason to be rude.
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