Oh, good, Sen. Dianne Feinstein took time to tweet about the wage gap in America and push the Paycheck Fairness Act … said no one, ever. We get that Democrats don’t really have much to run on since the Russian collusion thing has really fallen apart and the economy is doing pretty darn good under Trump but c’mon.
Stop beating this dead horse aka the mythical wage gap
It doesn’t exist.
It is unacceptable that in this day and age women who raise children make just 69 cents for every dollar that white fathers make on average. This gap increases for mothers of color. It’s long past time for the Senate to pass the #PayCheckFairnessAct. #MomsEqualPayDay
— Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) June 10, 2019
So we’re calling parents mothers and fathers again? Because we thought SJWs said that was a big no-no.
Wow you’ve been in the senate 28 years, why haven’t you done anything about this? You complain about this stuff, but you don’t care, you need it to help Dems get votes, like gun control. pic.twitter.com/sJhGz1E62L
— Silence Doesnogood (@CalifRepub) June 11, 2019
You’d think by NOW since this is such a huge problem that Dianne and her ilk would have taken care of this years ago.
Of course, we know the Equal Employment Opportunity Act passed DECADES ago but hey, apparently we need another law to make it even more illegal to pay a woman less than just for being a woman.
This allegation has been proven false a dozen times over the last 20+ years. Stop lying to people. Time for you to step down.
— Kent Nall (@knall103) June 11, 2019
Wait, what? According to Kamala and Hillary its .77 .
— Lisa (@kittywhisperer7) June 11, 2019
You California broads need to get your stories straight.
We already have a law, lady. Holy Moly.
— K (@Gidgetdance) June 11, 2019
Women (in aggregate) make that much money, but it is an outright falsehood that they are getting paid a different amount for equal work.
— James Mackey (@LiberalDem101) June 10, 2019
My wife makes $0 per every dollar I make because we decided for her to be a stay at home mom while I work. Also this stat has been debunked so many times that you would have to be a moron to believe it and a liar to post it.
— Peter (@LucaPsGhost) June 10, 2019
This is a complete lie. When comparing apples to apples there is no gap.
— Logic_Patriot ?? (@logic_patriot) June 10, 2019
Could be wrong but aren’t there laws already? I’m not being sexist here I work in a union everyone makes the same. Prior when I wasn’t I saw many indifferences. For all not just woman or color. I’m a white male. I worked hard to get here. And now I fight for all #UnionStrong
— Brett Taylor (@BrettTa19351892) June 11, 2019
Even people in unions know this is hogwash, DiFi.
Didn't we do that with the Lily Ledbetter act?
— Sarah E Rienzi (@zcat03) June 11, 2019
Oh yeah, that one too. But you know, it’s never enough when Democrats need a crisis to milk for votes.
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