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Beneath CONTEMPT! AOC politicizes the New Zealand shooting by trashing prayer then backpedals to blame the NRA

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez really outdid herself this time. Oh, she has said some ridiculously stupid stuff in the past but these few tweets about the tragic New Zealand mosque shooting are perhaps her worst yet.


Told ya’.

Wait, there’s more.


But then she tweeted THIS doozy.

So HEY Christians and NRA members, her tweet was just crapping on YOU, not PM Arden who she greatly admires. What a classy gal, eh?

Sometimes there are just no words to adequately describe how awful someone is … this is one of those times.

Luckily, Dana Loesch had something to say to the Dems’ ‘star’.


Who mocks prayer when people have just been murdered in a house of prayer?

Just freakin’ wow.


And considering how unfunny SNL is these days, this is absolutely accurate.

Even her supporters called foul on this one.


She really is awful.


Oh, yes, yes she can.

Nope, sorry, she’s too busy being Alex from the Bronx.

And there it is.


Sh*t just got REAL: Nick Sandmann’s attorneys release NEW video with footage that should TERRIFY CNN (watch)

‘It’s important to CAPTURE kids.’ Nancy Pelosi explains why she supports lowering the voting age to 16 and WOW

‘Instagram is down?! OH NOEZ!’ AOC’s sadly obvious attempt to pretend she’s super down to Earth is like, PAINFUL

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