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Most beautiful thread on Twitter: Father shares his lovely daughter with Down syndrome and it's getting dusty in here *sniff sniff*

Every once in a while we come across a thread that is absolutely so wonderful that we HAVE TO share it. Jason Kneen wrote such a thread about his lovely little girl who just so happens to have Down syndrome.


And yes, this editor may just so have happened to cry a little reading this SO maybe get a tissue or two before you read through.

Look. At. That. Smile!

Children with Down syndrome are amazing. True story.



And then Jason’s responses to people responding is just as rad:

People with Down syndrome and or any other disability are not sick, they are not broken, and they do not NEED to be cured or fixed. A disability is a normal, natural part of the human condition.


Period the end.

To the man who said that he can eat a big ol’ bag of … onions.

Ok, world, say hello back to Rosie.


UH-OH, she MAD! AOC is PISSED the GOP isn’t kissing her ring for paying the little people aka her staffers a ‘humane wage’

YOU’RE not the boss of ME! Sharyl Attkisson drops a serious TRUTH BOMB on a certain ‘public servant’ from the Bronx and BOOYAH

DOOOD, how drunk ARE you?! Blue-check doc’s take on socialism should come with a warning label

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