We’ve written about Leah Torres, MD before … once because she tweeted something so absolutely vile that even she deleted it. Considering how gross her tweet is about God performing more abortions than her (yeah, it’s impressively vile) who knows, she might delete this one too.
But in the meantime, we thought we’d share the impressive backfire she received on her depraved tweet because we’re givers that way:
Everyone seems to assert they know what god thinks, so have at it.
God performs way more abortions than I do, so there’s that. https://t.co/mdTPnob8E5
— Leah Torres, MD (@LeahNTorres) December 29, 2018
Imagine your only claim to fame is performing abortions. Wow.
"God killed more Jews than I do" -. Hitler, probably. https://t.co/QuDVZA3GZ7
— Anthony Abides (@AnthonyAbides) December 29, 2018
Serious amounts of ouch.
I have no clue what God thinks, but I do know when people are being intentionally stupid seeking attention. Conflating a miscarriage with willfully ending life has to be the dumbest thing I've seen on Twitter this year. So congrats, you own 2018's dumbest tweet now.
— G (@TCC_Grouchy) December 30, 2018
Whoohoo! Congrats!
Your tweets subconsciously reveal that somewhere in that twisted brain you have remorse for what you’ve done.
— The United States of Hyperbole (@AyeBlinckin) December 29, 2018
Yep. then let God decide and you stay out of it.
— Kadelia (@kadelia) December 29, 2018
Yeah, hey Leah. God called and He asked that you knock it off … thanks.
But you believe in evolution. So it's evolution's fault, not God's. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
And we won't touch how massively offensive it is to compare someone's tragic miscarriage to purposefully killing a baby in an abortion.
— LifeNews.com (@LifeNewsHQ) December 29, 2018
That too.
— Allen Richards (@muffinluv1014) December 29, 2018
Putting it nicely.
And if you think the God tweet is bad, just take a gander at Leah’s entire timeline – she’s a treasure trove of awful.
But your rhetoric has killed doctors, clinic staff, patients, and pregnant people.
So sleep well.
I will NEVER apologize for performing evidence-based health care.
Never. https://t.co/XGPJf8MTdJ— Leah Torres, MD (@LeahNTorres) December 30, 2018
Aww because you know, a fetus isn’t a baby or something.
Abortion is used as birth prevention. I feel fine about that. https://t.co/KG4sA5sFVL
— Leah Torres, MD (@LeahNTorres) December 30, 2018
Abortion was never meant to be birth control but of course, she’s fine with that.
So you're fine with denying a helpless human the opportunity to live.
At least when one group is attempting genocide the other group can put up a fight or flee if necessary.
Babies on the other hand……@PolitiBunny @KayaJones @ChrisStigall @DineshDSouza https://t.co/CXgfNrHGFP— Jamo- Freedoms Pitmaster (@funymnjamo) December 30, 2018
But she says she’s never killed a baby.
You know that face you make when your uncle tells a really questionable joke at the dinner table and you’re not sure if you should laugh or not? Just made that face.
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