Jim Acosta certainly did a number on himself yesterday by acting like a spoiled toddler who was told he couldn’t have the toy he wanted during the presser with Sarah Sanders. And then he went on Twitter ‘bragged’ about how he stomped when he didn’t get his way and had the NERVE to call Sanders’ behavior shameful.
Someone get the guy a mirror already, please. And a pacifier.
Dana Loesch LIT HIM UP.
"@Acosta is upset that someone yelled CNN sucks. Imagine how he'd feel if his network set up a public lynching of him. As they did of me… many in legacy #MSM stopped prioritizing advancing news and truth in favor of advancing themselves and their political agendas." —@DLoesch pic.twitter.com/dzugatdPmP
— NRATV (@NRATV) August 3, 2018
Jim’s ego is more important to him than his actual job.
Like far too many in traditional media these days, he wants to make the news about HIM and his narrative. He couldn’t care less about reporting the actual news or sharing facts with the country.
And he expects us to feel sorry for him?
B*tch please.
An excerpt from earlier. Also mentioned, how badly I feel for those truth seekers/tellers who entered the industry not as partisans but as ppl who earnestly want to shine light on what’s covered & tell the stories of their communities. They’re hit w/ a penalty they don’t deserve. https://t.co/0TWNhDbCuW
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) August 3, 2018
There are people in the media who went into the profession because they DO care about reporting the news and they are getting lumped in with primadonnas like Jim; he really is a taint.
"People like Jim @Acosta taint the entire profession… I've never viewed the press as the enemy of the people, but there are many in the press who need to affirm that the people are not the enemy of the press." —@DLoesch #MSM pic.twitter.com/xJf0eyoIEy
— NRATV (@NRATV) August 3, 2018
Journalism is Dead.
— ⚓Proud Navy Dad.⚓ (@CaptianCarry) August 3, 2018
Sadly, there are some days that sure feel like it.
I remember a time, not that long ago, when you could turn on the news, get the facts, and decide for yourself what to think about it. Now, we must question everything we see on the news.
— John Scala (@JohnScala7) August 3, 2018
Quiet you!
Jim and others like him have a narrative to push.
YAAAS! WWE star Glenn ‘Kane’ Jacobs wins mayoral race in Tennessee (and he’s a Conservative!)
‘Only one fooled is YOU!’ Glenn Beck just NUKED CNN with their own ratings and DAMN it’s brutal
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