Brian Stelter has gone full Melania-Truther … and you know, you NEVER want to go full Melania-Truther.
If any First Lady "disappeared," you'd "want to know where she is." Here's our @CNN discussion:
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) June 3, 2018
This is CNN.
Imagine having nothing else substantial to cover so you focus on a supposed ‘missing’ Melania Trump.
All the Left had to do was NOT BE CRAZY, but they just can’t help themselves.
Besides, Melania has been spotted since May 10.
Hey @BrianStelter — @CNBC’s Washington correspondent @EamonJavers — who I would call a Reliable Source — says he saw @FLOTUS in the West Wing on May 29th, yet the graphic you shared claims that she was last seen on May 10th. You are sharing Fake News right now. Delete your Tweet.
— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) June 4, 2018
Narrator: Brian has not deleted his tweet. And we all know he won’t.
Jerry Dunleavy continued his onslaught:
I believe May 10th was the date of the First Lady’s last official event — but it is a lie to claim (as @BrianStelter does) that May 10th was the last time she has been *seen*. I mean, Melania had surgery at Walter Reed in mid-May & a CNBC reporter saw her in the WH in late May…
— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) June 4, 2018
But then there’s no story.
The segment was about the last time she was seen in public. Go ahead and imagine how you'd feel if a different First Lady wasn't seen in public for 3+ weeks.
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) June 4, 2018
Well, this is just pathetic. Does anyone remember being this aware of when Laura Bush was seen in public? Or even Dragon Lady … err … Hillary Clinton?
I’m talking specifically about your Tweet, Brian, where you lie about the last time Melania was seen. Your graphic shares demonstrably false info & you know it. I have the receipts — just man up, take the loss, apologize for sharing something inaccurate, and delete your account.
— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) June 4, 2018
Man up.
Like THAT will happen anytime soon.
Imagine having your own television show at a major cable news network and yet getting easily & thoroughly dunked on by a guy who is only on Twitter as a side hobby and who mostly shares pineapple pizza tweets & Distracted Boyfriend Memes.
— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) June 4, 2018
Imagine writing about the pineapple pizza guy dunking on the news guy … well, this is just getting depressing now.
She’s also slated to be at an event for gold star families tomorrow evening
— Amber Athey (@amber_athey) June 4, 2018
CC @brianstelter, et al: Melania was spotted in the West Wing by a CNBC last week ==>
— Greg Pollowitz (@GPollowitz) June 4, 2018
As I said in the TV segment, "I think there's a risk of some liberals falling into a conspiracy theory trap here by assuming the worst about what's going on." The segment was about the media's coverage. Take a look!
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) June 4, 2018
The First Lady is @CNN's new Malaysian Airliner.
In 2 weeks they'll be positing that a black hole swallowed her.
— Ordy's Amish School of Coding (@OrdyPackard) June 4, 2018
HAAAAA. Exactly.
Forgive me, but did she not recently undergo surgery? And haven’t at least two journalists stated publicly that they’ve seen her in the last few days at the WH?
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) June 4, 2018
Guy Benson is such a class act.
And yes, to both.
Man, that’s an impressive track record, Brian.
@brianstelter is trying to bring @cnn back up to the 25% in ratings that it has lost in May. Keep doing what you are doing and it will keep going down, becsuse folks are sick of your FAKE news and ALTERNATIVE facts.
— GHGirl1 (@PBandSC) June 4, 2018
Settle down. We didn’t elect her. She owes us nothing.
— David I. Leavitt? (@LeavittDC) June 4, 2018
Oh, and there’s that too.
I didn't say she does. On today's program, i asked, "how long does she have to be out of sight to make this a legitimate media story? Are we already there yet?"
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) June 4, 2018
Wait, so his story was asking about what it would take to make a story?
Did we read that right?
This is a clever way of making it into a story while claiming you’re just asking if it’s a story.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) June 4, 2018
Guess we did.
Her absence has been newsworthy for a while already… as you know, coverage of the news media sometimes revolves around "how big, how important is this story"
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) June 4, 2018
As you know … someone is getting defensive.
That’s just question begging.
— Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) June 4, 2018
This was BRUTAL, Brian.
Thanks for the laughs.
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