You’d think by NOW the Kurt Eichenwald would realize he shouldn’t try debating the Right about well, anything because every time he does it just goes badly for him. Whether he’s complaining that Tucker Carlson embarrassed him on his show (nearly two years ago now) OR insisting the tentacle porn tab he had open on his desktop was for research purposes only, the guy just keeps steppin’ in it.
I offered compromises on gun issues 3 yrs ago. Rational gun owners liked them. But gun nuts own the GOP.
Compromise is impossible. The party of guns must be politically destroyed.
Here were my comprises:
Written: …Video Q&A:
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) March 3, 2018
When Kurt Eichenwald talks about gun control, nobody listens.
Yes, gun nuts own the GOP. You know, the people who refuse to be victims because they know their rights are inherent and not to be infringed by anyone, including Kurt here.
Hey, if that makes someone a gun nut, count this editor IN.
Compromise to the Left means letting them have their way.
I owe you nothing, and I certainly don't owe you my constitutionally protected rights.
Neither does anyone else.
— ?? Jim K ?? (@grey_ghost47) March 3, 2018
Not even the squid.
Yah, you also don’t owe to read a goddamn thing. If you read the link, you would have found that the most conservative justice in the most conservative court in the Most pro-NRA ruling ever said your concept of the second amendment is an internet fantasy.
— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) March 4, 2018
Awww, Kurt seems upset. He even swore.
And this guy didn’t send him a flashy gif or anything
Plus we’re not entirely sure Kurt has ANY business talking about someone else’s ‘internet fantasy.’
I tried to give your video a watch with an open mind but couldn’t get through the whole thing. I stopped so I could get some clarification. In your opinion how many rounds does a person need to defend themselves from 1, 2, 5, 7 armed intruders? I don’t know the number, do you?
— Thomas Parks (@thomasdeeparks) March 3, 2018
Clearly, the answer is purple.
Gun nut.
*No squid or other sea creatures were harmed in the writing of this Kurt Eichenwald story.*
‘Load it, point it at your face!’ Toro Coffee Co. gets REKT for telling gun owner to shoot himself
‘Umm … f*ck THAT.’ Khamenei pushes gun control for Americans (Ben Rhodes is that YOU?)
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