Awww look at that, Bill de Blasio is tweeting in Spanish … we think? Honestly, when we tried to use the ‘translate’ feature on Twitter, it barfed all over the tweet and said it couldn’t be translated.
Hey man, if you’re going to pander in a foreign language make sure you’re doing it correctly, otherwise you just look dumb.
Wait, dumber than usual in de Blasio’s case.
We all have a responsibility to ensure that New York remains a beacon to our nation and to the world. Cáda úno de nosótros tiéne el debér de asegurár que Nuéva York síga siéndo un ejémplo pára nuéstra nación y el mundo.
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) January 2, 2018
We all have a responsibility to make sure we don’t butcher a foreign language on Twitter.
Wow, dude.
There is so much wrong with this tweet grammatically that it’s hard to mock the message he was trying to get out there; of course, somehow we’ll still manage.
What’s with the Spanish accents? They are all wrong.
— Judy Mam (@Grandenchilada) January 2, 2018
Serious fail, right?
The problem with these well intended gestures is that they end up being ignorant. Give the job to someone who can actually WRITE correct Spanish.
— Judy Mam (@Grandenchilada) January 2, 2018
Thanks! Too many tildes but it’s ok.
— ???? (@clfunez) January 2, 2018
No, it’s really not ok.
It’s honestly just stupid.
This was probably written by a winter-break intern from my PWI. You know? One of those obnoxious, privileged (monolingual) kids que me dicen they’ve taken 5 years of Spanish + AP but still can’t speak, read, or write Spanish. Yet they’re exempt form college language requirements.
— Janet Flores (@WhenSheWrote) January 2, 2018
Mr. Mayor, you only need accents in Spanish words if the emphasis is somewhere other than the next to last syllable. This tweet accurately shows where the emphasis falls in the words, but nearly all of the accents in your Spanish sentence are unnecessary. Great thought, though.
— Kenn (@kennTeven) January 2, 2018
And let’s talk about that ‘thought,’ shall we? New York is supposed to be a beacon of what exactly? Poverty? Homelessness?
*shakes head*
Show the world by paying city workers as you have paid yourself an extra 15% #Equality #increase wages @DistCouncil37 @NYDailyNews
— daniallen39 (@daniallen39) January 2, 2018
Oops. Remember when he wanted all of the homeless people off the subway before he road it?
sorry Mr. Mayor you are chasing businesses out of the city
— Aron Volfe (@KligerMann) January 2, 2018
But high taxes are fun and stuff.
Hey New York, you keep electing these people.
Don’t look at us.
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