Anyone else hear the teacher’s voice from Charlie Brown cartoons when they read tweets from people like Ben Rhodes?
Or is that just us?
For example …
Why is it always deemed presidential by pundits to extend or escalate wars and bomb other countries?
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) August 21, 2017
Blah blah blah.
Says the guy who worked for the Droner-in-Chief
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) August 22, 2017
OOF. Ben, we felt that one WAAAAAAAY over here.
Much easier to just send pallets of cash and have your echo chamber declare victory, right @brhodes ?
— off2paradise (@off2paradise) August 22, 2017
says the guy who gave us the IranDeal,which will guarantee war in 10 years
— ????TheRighToExist???? (@TheRighToExist) August 22, 2017
Shhhh … he’s busy virtue signaling.
Because we all know how good of shape the previous administrations foreign policies left us in.
— Jimmy D (@crosscheck44) August 22, 2017
Ben Rhodes is a man who lives without the burden of self awareness.
— David Paul Jenner (@DavidPaulJenner) August 22, 2017
Must be nice.
His account HAS to be a parody. Nearly everything he posts criticizes his and Obamas decisions during that administration.
— Anton Pagi (@AntonPagi) August 22, 2017
It just means he lacks any and all self-awareness …
Sorta like his old boss.
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