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EPIC, receipt-filled thread completely DEBUNKS the Left's claims about the evil Right 'banning books'

So much for that whole ‘banning books’ talking point, Lefties.

For YEARS now, the Left has been accusing the Right of banning books, calling them fascists and authoritarians, and all because parents don’t want adult-themed content in public school libraries. Asking that a book that provides directions for various sex acts not be available to a child at school is nothing like banning books, but we suppose they found a talking point that works for them so they’re sticking with it.


Except you know, we have this thread with so many receipts proving them wrong. The next time one of those mouth-breathers accuses you of ‘banning books,’ refer them to this article or this thread:

… vast majority of these books remain available.

Ya’ don’t say.

But but but, we were told they were BANNED!


They lie because they don’t want to admit the books in question really don’t belong in school libraries and it’s hard to pretend you’re the good guy when you’re fighting to keep adult books at school. So these yahoos claim it’s books like ‘The Color Purple’ so they can pretend the Right is fascist and trying to hide racism or whatever.

It’s all really dumb and that anyone has fallen for it says so much about the Left, and ain’t none of it any good.

Not. Banned.

Although Democrats did try to ban it in California.

True story.

Keep going.


Allege is the key word there.


Gosh, we feel shocked.

No, not really.


You know, the books parents ACTUALLY have taken issue with.

Ding ding ding.

And boom went the dynamite.



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