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Biden Attacks Trump, SCOTUS in Last-Minute Evening Address
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Latest #TwitterFiles shows how Twitter LET Intelligence Community in (just gets worse and worse)

It’s that time again, ladies and gents … time for the latest Twitter Files. THIS installment looks at how Twitter opened the door for the Intelligence Community and let them in. You’ll see some very recognizable names, especially if you’re in VIRGINIA.


Reading through this, it’s almost like Democrats forced Twitter to open their ‘doors.’

Take a gander.

Over five years ago.

Keep going.

Interesting, throwing Facebook under the bus.


Warner, eh?


The grift has always been strong with Warner.

Warner has political incentive.

Gosh, ya’ think?

Oooh, and now some shade at Hillary Clinton.


Russia Task Force.

Da da daaaaaa!


The media worked hand in hand with Democrats to create a panicked Russia narrative that was politically convenient … for certain Democrats. We wouldn’t feel more shocked if we woke up tomorrow with our heads sewn to the carpet.


So Warner pushed for more oversight.

Follow the money.





A leak … NO WAY. That’s so unlike members of Congress.


What a mess.

And there it is.

To protect ad revenue.

To protect from bad PR.

From what sounds like almost threats from Democrats.


Just when we think things can’t get worse, they do.

Keep that popcorn handy.



Adam Schiff’s attempted 2022 victory lap fails SPECTACULARLY as Conservatives trip TF out of him

J6 Committee withheld 1000+ interviews including one about Trump that seems PRETTY damn important

WOOF! Woke lawn flamingo blaming white people for making her FAT does not go well, at all (watch)


Editor’s Note:

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