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Michael Shellenberger takes Biden apart in BRUTAL thread over his 'no more drilling' comments

Biden better hope voters in Pennsylvania and West Virginia weren’t paying attention when he said this because HOO BOY, he just gave the whole kit and kaboodle away. We all knew they were lying about drilling and fossil fuels, we all heard Biden talk about how he would end them during his campaign, but they didn’t want people in key states to remember that so they’ve worked really hard to deflect with things like abortion and MUH DEMOCRACY.


This was yesterday, just two days before the midterms.

No. More. Drilling.

Guess what that will do to states like Pennsylvania and West Virginia?


You go, Biden.


Michael Shellenberger was good enough to take Biden apart:

At a Hochul event.

Because of course.

Keep going.

Lying their ass*s off for months.



Work on that.


Here we go … this is what they’ve been doing.

So in other words, their claims are BS and meaningless to Americans who are suffering under the Biden administration.


To be fair, we’re not entirely sure Biden has any clue what the Hell he’s been saying over the past five months but we digress.

Seems like this administration has been desperately trying to censor people on a lot of issues.


Yup. Big Tech colluding with the Biden administration to make sure us lowly Americans only see, hear, read, and listen to certain ideas and opinions. If that doesn’t infuriate you enough to vote red for the next 50 years, we don’t know what will.


Yup, they’ve been very worried about the midterms.

They should be.

It’s the Biden (Democrat) way.

But but but … Trump! Putin! ARGLE BARGLE RAR.

Vote accordingly, peeps.



Jim Geraghty’s thread lays out how RAD it will be when GOP takes the House and Lefties can’t DEEEAL

AP DRAGGED for posting melodramatic video of Meg Kinnard ‘explaining’ what happens if Democrats LOSE

NYT tries making everyone feel SORRY for Biden who just wanted to unite us and it goes so DAMN WRONG


Elon Musk’s condition for giving Kathy Griffin her account back TRIGGERS her on her dead mom’s account


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