As Twitchy readers know, we typically do not cover randos on Twitter because they could be anyone. That being said, if the account in question tweets something brilliant, hilarious, horrible, humiliating, or embarrassing, and it starts going viral we will absolutely share it.
It’s sort of our duty in a weird way.
Take for example Wendy Democrat Patriot with several thousands of followers … trying to poll people about who is the worst president in modern times. Now, this wouldn’t be all that unusual if she didn’t keep blocking anyone on the Right who shared her polls OR deleting them when Biden starts losing.
And Biden is losing a LOT.
She got very fussy and claimed it was Trump supporters who are intolerant.
Maybe a parody? Heh.
Why are Trump Supporters so intolerant of people who have different opinions from them?
I really think they should be more open minded, less hateful and listen to other opinions instead of staying in their white supremacy bubble.
— 🇺🇸🌊Wendy Democrat Patriot🇺🇸🌊 (@wendy_resists) August 22, 2022
She has since blocked us as well, BUT we know she deleted the last polls we saw (Biden started losing). We snagged some screenshots:
As you can imagine, Biden started getting an F.
So she deleted it.
But wait, there’s more.
Yup, Trump started getting an A so DELETE.
You can probably guess who was winning ‘WORST’ president of recent times, right?
If she had just left the polls in place we wouldn’t have even seen them, but the temper tantrums and poll changes? Oh yeah, all over Twitter.
Almost as if our resist pals are their own worst enemies.
She's deleted that revised poll in favor of another revision. 😂
— Beorn (@Beorn2000) August 22, 2022
I’m laughing because she deleted the first poll then posted a new one.. she’s still behind & her sheer intellectual dishonesty is astounding..
— In Vino Veritas (@sdbacchus) August 22, 2022
She deleted her previous poll just minutes ago and removed the F grade. 😂
— J.R. Holmsted (@JHolmsted) August 22, 2022
Oh dear, she deleted it to get a better result.
— The Salty Medic (@MedicNamedHope) August 22, 2022
But she's not worried about Trump supporters hijacking her dopey poll.
No, ma'am!
— Beorn (@Beorn2000) August 22, 2022
Keep in mind, she was just babbling about how intolerant Trump supporters are.
It is really epic to witness.
— Andrew Young – TANSTAAFL Curmudgeon (@NucMM1retired) August 22, 2022
Epic, in a sad way.
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