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Democrats Should Know Their Unhinged Lies Harm Their Base, Too

Gun-grabbing-ghoul blaming Clarence Thomas for death of 20-year-old mother pushing a stroller shot in NYC does NOT go well, like at all

Before we even got started with this piece, we went and checked out ‘Andrew Wortman’s’ bio since Twitter has not seen fit to verify him. Usually, someone this obnoxious and hate-filled toward the Right is a slamdunk blue-check so yeah … that he’s not verified is really saying something.


His bio reads: Host @AmericaRisesUp. Gay AF. Dems are pro-U.S. @GOP is anti-women, pro-death & anti-democracy. We will win.

He also uses pretty predictable hashtags in his bio: #BlackLivesMatter, #IStandWithUkraine,’ and #GunSafetyNow.

The Right couldn’t come up with a more mock-worthy caricature of the Left if they tried.

ANYWAY, Andrew seems to think Clarence Thomas is to blame for the 20-year-old mother who was shot while pushing her baby in a stroller on the Upper East Side.

No, we’re not making that up:

Because you know, these shooters are often worried about legally carrying concealed.

*eye roll*

Man, they really hate Clarence for adhering to the Constitution.

It takes a lot of hard work and effort to be both at the same time, fair point.



Oh, man.

Yes, yes he is.

Nah, he also supported the overturning of Roe.

*see what we did there*?


Yeah, not the smartest claim.

This is where we should point out our rando policy and how we don’t usually cover randos because they could be anyone EXCEPT when they tweet something just that great, hilarious, or stupid. His tweet falls in the stupid category, in case you were wondering.



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Jan 6th Committee member Rep. Jamie Raskin falls APART under basic questioning from Jake Tapper on Hutchinson’s testimony (watch)

‘OH NO! THEY RELEASED THE TAPE!’ Trump grabbing the steering wheel memes, gifs, etc. have BEGUN and LOL, here are the best

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