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'Try AGAIN, moron': Josh Hammer CRUSHES Big Bang Theory producer Bill Prady for calling HIM anti-Semitic in pro-abort debate (hint, he's Jewish)

This all started with Josh Hammer calling out an article from the Miami Herald about a South Florida synagogue suing over Florida’s new 15-week abortion ban.


And for whatever reason, executive producer of ‘Big Bang Theory’ Bill Prady thought this was a good opportunity to call Josh anti-Semitic and ‘educate’ him on the Jewish faith.

Yeah, he’s not a bright guy …

Bill also blocks easily.

Just sayin’.

Josh slammed him in a BIG (BANG) way:

Try again, moron. And educate yourself, too.

What he said.


We made a similar face.

TOLD YOU GUYS, he’s block-happy.

Truth hurts.



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