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What DECADE does he think it is?! Biden goes on bizarre rant about biracial couples and you know even Jimmy Kimmel had to cringe a little (watch)

Ok, so now we all know why Biden’s keepers won’t let Biden be Biden.

We all sort of knew President Pudding Brain was a hot mess when not controlled by some cards or talking points, but his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel? Ouch. From talking about a revolution in November if Roe is overturned to joking about jailing his opponents, to rambling about biracial couples on TV …

Biden is just a hot. Freaking. Mess.

Watch THIS:

He’s not seeing biracial couples on TV?

What now?

What decade does he think this is?!


He’s a Democrat, of course, they are.



THIS –> Becket Adams NAILS IT in thread calling out those shrieking about right-wing radicalism while deliberately ignoring DANGEROUS left-wing radicalism

‘So, a THREAT?!’ Same day gunman caught outside Kavanaugh’s home, Biden talks revolution over Roe and jailing opponents on Jimmy Kimmel (watch)

#NeverTrump harpy Cheri Jacobus’s NASTY swipe at Brett Kavanaugh and his FAMILY after gunman arrested near his home does NOT go well


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