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THIS --> Becket Adams NAILS IT in thread calling out those shrieking about right-wing radicalism while deliberately ignoring DANGEROUS left-wing radicalism

Yeah, let’s talk about what left-wing radicals are doing RIGHT NOW.

Democrats have nothing real to run on in November and are desperate for something, anything, they can use to either influence or terrify people into voting for them. And we’re seeing that in the ridiculous paranoia around Roe, gun control, and of course, the rhetoric about SUPER SCARY right-wing radicalism.


Hell, they’re televising their political committee on J6 tonight …

But it’s not the right-wing who showed up at the home of a SCOTUS justice armed and looking to kill them and it’s not the right-wing bombing crisis pregnancy centers either. Becket Adams put together a smart thread on just this point:

Twelve attacks.


But you know, it’s the right that’s the problem or something.

Media are more than fine admitting this about themselves as are our pals on the Left. They don’t care if we know they’re hypocrites … they never have.


Oh, that’s right.

Meanwhile, Americans who simply protested at the Capitol are being held, some without charges.

He had multiple weapons.

These people.




And sadly we’ve seen plenty of people try that very argument, the right-wing MADE them do it. If Kavanaugh wasn’t such a monster taking away their right to murder their unborn child they wouldn’t have to go after him and his family …



‘So, a THREAT?!’ Same day gunman caught outside Kavanaugh’s home, Biden talks revolution over Roe and jailing opponents on Jimmy Kimmel (watch)

#NeverTrump harpy Cheri Jacobus’s NASTY swipe at Brett Kavanaugh and his FAMILY after gunman arrested near his home does NOT go well

SHADY AF! Hunter Biden’s prostitute PAL who bought crack for and had orgies with him received an INTERESTING gov ‘benefit’

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