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WTG Brandon: Thread showing line-by-line just how much military equipment Biden basically handed over to the Taliban is infuriating

Yeah yeah yeah, we could spend all day today writing about the FREAK OUT taking place on Twitter after Elon Musk made an offer to buy the tech giant, but this thread from Felix Sater going over just how much U.S. military equipment has fallen into the hands of the Taliban, almost like a gift from Joe Biden himself, is terrifying.


You get the point yet? This is BAD.

Yes, let’s have a look.

How kind of Felix to break this down into categories.

208 planes and helicopters.

Are you sh*tting us?!

But wait, there’s more. Lots more.

Oh yeah, we’ve seen video of these a-holes running around in our humvees.

22k of them to be exactly.


Almost 200 armored tanks?!

Can you imagine if Trump was responsible for this? We’d see our pals on the Left talking about what a waste this was and questioning if maybe Trump did it on purpose to help with elections or Putin or some other crazy rhetoric BUT since it’s Sleepy Joe … *crickets*

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, you can see all of this FUN STUFF right here:



*eye roll*



Fauci and the gang definitely do NOT want you reading this DAMNING thread of one man’s horrific experience with the Moderna vaccine

‘Dopey Prince Alwaleed bin Talal’ getting all big and bad about rejecting Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter BACKFIRES spectacularly

Man oh man, we’ve heard Joy Behar spew some stupid STUFF but her take on the 3 branches of govt is a HUMDINGER (watch)


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