If you spend any time at all in social justice circles, first you will definitely feel like you need a shower or two, but second, you’ll notice a lot of ugly terminologies thrown around especially about women to somehow protect men who have decided they want to be women. Because God forbid we call women WOMEN … right?
One such term you’ll find is the word ‘bleeder’ to refer to an ACTUAL woman. Oh, and they claim this makes women who want to be men feel better and stuff as well.
Ugly stuff.
Jennifer Sey wrote a short but powerful thread about calling women bleeders …
I honestly don’t think it’s too much to ask to say please don’t refer to me this way. Bleeder? Really? Who is this helping? In what world is this respectful and considerate? Who is being respected and considered with this language? pic.twitter.com/G8XESXS6iB
— Jennifer Sey (@JenniferSey) March 16, 2022
Who is this helping?
In what world is this respectful and considerate?
Nobody and no world.
It’s ridiculous virtue-signaling put in place to make people feel better about themselves for wanting to change their gender while all but erasing women and their experience.
I can’t declare myself part of a group or party that expects me to refer to myself this way. Nope.
— Jennifer Sey (@JenniferSey) March 16, 2022
Nope indeed.
In the past, the only kind of person I would have been able to fathom referring to women this way would have been some guys with deep hostility/hatred towards women. I’d have avoided them out of self protection. Now we call ourselves this?
— Jennifer Sey (@JenniferSey) March 16, 2022
We do not call ourselves this.
People who resent actual women do … for gender equity or some other happy horsesh*t.
Women. The word they can’t seem to find is “women.” pic.twitter.com/Te135UawHp
— Political Sock (@politicalsock) March 16, 2022
So difficult, right?
It seems the only way society wants to refer to women anymore. It's tragic and sets back women.
— Rosy🌻🇺🇦 (@LuckyOptimist) March 16, 2022
Tbh if someone called me a bleeder, I ain’t the one who is going to be bleeding.
— Jen Corley (@jlhcorley) March 16, 2022
Good point.
Absolutely not. This is so dehumanizing.
— Sasha Brown-Worsham (@sashabrownworsh) March 16, 2022
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