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REEEEE! Seems Brian Stelter doesn't LIKE being called out for his hypocrisy when it comes to presidents calling a journo a 'son of a b*tch' and LOL

If Brian Stelter even attempted to be somewhat consistent and unbiased things like this wouldn’t keep happening to him.

Just sayin’.

For example, since he got his britches all bunched up over Trump calling a journalist a ‘son of a bitch’ his britches should probably have been equally bunched up over Biden. It certainly would have saved him a lot of time and ridicule BUT then what would we write about this morning?


He was called out BIGLY over his tweet from 2018:



Brian eventually got defensive and tweeted this:

It’s still out of line BUT context was different or something with Biden.


Either it’s always wrong for a president to call journalists names or it’s not. This isn’t difficult, Tater.


Wouldn’t that be AMAZING?!


Everyone sees it, hence their cratering ratings.


Good times.



Blue-check screeching at DeSantis about super fake looking anti-Semitic flyers distributed around Miami Beach goes SO wrong

Tell Fang Fang HI! Eric Swalwell claiming an ‘eye-popping’ number of foreigners worried about OUR democracy have DM’d him BACKFIRES hilariously

Funny because it’s TRUE: Bill Maher says Biden’s 400 MILLION free masks come in ‘three sizes’ and the Left just can’t DEAL

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