Katie Hill is just as awful out of office as she was in office.
And in other news, a pig’s a*s is still pork.
Apparently, the disgraced former Congresswoman’s pregnancy has made her more pro-choice than ever, which is really a horrible thing to say about your unborn child. But this is Katie Hill we’re talking about so … yeah.
I didn’t think it was possible to become more pro-choice than I already was, but after 7 months of pregnancy all I can think about is how wrong it would be to make someone do this who doesn’t want to.
— Katie Hill (@KatieHill4CA) December 1, 2021
Not a great look, Katie.
Not at all.
This kid's life is gonna suck.
— Clifton Duncan: BFA, MFA, FHRiTP (@cliftonaduncan) December 3, 2021
We certainly hope not.
And we also hope he or she does not see his or her mom’s Twitter.
I hope your kid doesn’t one day find your Twitter account
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) December 3, 2021
Gross, Katie. Poor child.
— Lisa H Turnage (@LisaTurnage12) December 3, 2021
I fear for your child if you think of them that way.
— Klane 🇺🇸2nd Amendment 🇺🇸 (@KagKlane) December 3, 2021
— Craig Steger (@craig_steger) December 2, 2021
Again, not a great take.
If she was somehow trying to talk about how much she now appreciates how hard being pregnant really is she did a really poor job of it.
So you advocate for terminating an individuals life because you're not comfortable?
— Jingle Bell A 🎄🎅🏼🤶🎄⛪️ (@TheycallmejustA) December 3, 2021
Kinda sounds that way.
Oh, so you're a monster, too.
— Trey Felder (@TbirdTr3y_10) December 3, 2021
That's rich. You talking about not wanting to force another woman to do something with her body.
— Sarah Rachel Jacobs | #BOHICA #TANSTAAFL (@QueenSarahSatur) December 3, 2021
You can feel that child turning, hiccuping, kicking and still don’t believe it’s a living child deserving of the chance to be born still alive ? Your feelings about how hard it is, still matter more than that clearly living child’s life? Talk about mental compartmentalization
— Patriot Sweetheart (@USAsweetheart30) December 3, 2021
If you think carrying a baby is a bummer, just imagine how you'd feel being ripped apart by forceps.
— Bruce Wayne 🎃 (@Batmengineer) December 3, 2021
— Sinister Dreams 🗣 (@FlaRenegade) December 3, 2021
What an odd statement.
— Rosy (@LuckyOptimist) December 3, 2021
Odd and gross.
Seek help.
— Chris Tsotsoros (@ctsotsoros) December 3, 2021
Not sure there’s enough help out there.
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