Notice a PATTERN Here? Kamala Harris Also Favored Nuking Filibuster to Pass Green...
Kamala Harris Does Press Conference with Zelenskyy, Takes No Questions
'I Don't Speak Drunk Hallmark': Dana Loesch TORCHES Kamala Harris for Saying the...
Karine Jean-Pierre Tries to Campaign for Kamala Harris on Gun Control
Her Values HAVE NOT CHANGED: Stephen Gutowski Reminds People Kamala Harris Supported San...
'He Knows NOTHING About Being a Woman': Megyn Kelly DROPS THE HAMMER on...
David Axelrod's Review of Stephanie Ruhle's Fawn-Fest With Kamala Harris Does NOT Line...
The Party's OVER! The New York Times Pulls ZERO Punches EVISCERATING Kamala Harris's...
Dr. Birx FINALLY Admits What We All Knew YEARS AGO: 'Two Weeks to...
CNBC Host DEMOLISHES Kamala Fanboy Mark Cuban in Back-and-Forth About Her 'Job' as...
Follow the Science or Something: Mayo Clinic Blog Says Pregnancy Isn't an 'Exclusively...
HA! CNN Reporter Gets WAAAY More Than She Asks for Asking Young Boy...
How About NO? AP Tries Touting COVID Boosters, Gets OBLITERATED Instead
Kamala Crumbles! Critical MSNBC Interview Flops! Melania on Miracles!
I'm Preeeeeetty Sure Joe Biden (and Maybe Jill!) Has It Out for Kamala...

Lowlife CBS 6 alum thinks horrific incident at Waukesha, WI Christmas Parade is the PERFECT opportunity to make garbage takes about Rittenhouse

Even as local authorities are telling people to shelter in place, this jagoff was busy making disgusting comments about the horrific scene where a red SUV drove through a Christmas Parade leaving at least 20 injured in Waukesha, WI. Information is all over the place as they are trying to piece together what happened, and he thought this was the right time to make a joke about Wisconsin law, Conservatives, and make a dig at Kyle Rittenhouse.


What the Hell is wrong with these people?



Oh, and he tweeted this garbage TWICE to make sure CNN saw it.

No words.


He has continued to post like he gives a damn about what is happening on the ground, but clearly, he cares more about playing politics and making cheapshots at people calling him out for being a complete toad.

Not even two hours after reporting about the Waukesha incident started and he’s taking shots at Wisconsin. Classy.


He’s far from the only one making gross comments about what happened, but he’s by far one of the more visible.

Especially with his connection to CBS …



Clearly self-defense! Video showing little girl’s reaction to Biden trying to get too close to her BEST thing you’ll watch today (watch)

WOMP-womp! Lefty uber-troll Tea Pain’s poll asking if Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer or hero does NOT go the way he wants and LOL

Blue-check attorney pushing to change self-defense law after Rittenhouse verdict ‘so HISTORY doesn’t repeat itself’ goes SO very wrong

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