Is Terry McAuliffe claiming White teachers should only teach White students and Black teachers should teach only Black students? Because listening to this nonsense where he flat-out says Virginia has too many white teachers, that’s what it sounds like.
McAuliffe's closing message: Va has too many white teachers
“50% of the students at Va. schools K-12, 50% are students of color & yet 80 percent of teachers are white. We all know what we have to do in a school to make everybody feel comfortable in school. So, let’s diversify"
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 1, 2021
This sort of reminds us of when he told Latinos to make more babies so they’d have more people to vote for him.
He’s not exactly coming up with the greatest selling points for his campaign.
Maybe the Botox is going to his brain a little? Yeah … that dude has definitely had Botox in the last week, look at his upper lip. It doesn’t move.
Sent his kids to white-dominated private schools.
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) November 1, 2021
So is Terry calling Terry a racist? This is all so confusing.
And yes, Terry sent his kids to a very affluent private school where his wife sat on the board, even though he doesn’t want parents of public school kids involved in their kid’s education. Yeah, he sucks.
If this election went on for another week Terry would lose by 30.
— Federalist Muskrat 🇺🇸 (@Muskrat__) November 1, 2021
So teachers will be hired solely on the basis of their skin color? Kind of like Kamala Harris? We see how that's going.
— Kelkat (@Tweetytweeter63) November 1, 2021
Ask him about the demographics of the civil service and how we address the imbalance there.
— Capt. Anton Zilwicki, RMN, LGBFJB (@antonzilwicky54) November 1, 2021
A great way to show that you're not pushing a racially-divisive narrative is insisting on discriminating against members of a union that back you…based on their race. Great plan, Terry!
— K. Walker (@TheMrsKnowItAll) November 1, 2021
Where is he getting the 50% figure? Is it because white people like him send their kids to private schools? The state is almost 70% white.
— Merry Texas (@merrytexas) November 1, 2021
Probably from the same place where he pulled his STATS on kids with COVID in Virginia hospitals.
He’s a liar.
Sorry, not sorry.
He’s literally selling racism!
— Satanas… (@DSmykal) November 1, 2021
He’s only selling it if anyone is buying it.
And we’re not so sure anyone is.
He lumps all POC together as if they are the same. Would Latinos be more comfortable with black teachers? Blacks more comfortable with Latino teachers?
— Ferraris (@turningabout) November 1, 2021
He’s a Democrat, this is what they do. They dump people in convenient buckets so they can avoid having to actually ever really fix anything for individuals.
And then they blame Republicans for not letting them get more done.
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