Yeah, our government just sucks.
And it has for a long time BUT that being said, it’s getting worse, not better. It’s getting BIGGER, not smaller.
Scarier, not ‘friendlier.’
Under Biden we are seeing many of our freedoms slipping away in the name of saving the climate or saving the people or saving some other happy horse crap; it’s always magically about the greater good even though it sucks for the individual.
We’ve seen a LOT of that with the pandemic.
This thread from one of our favorites, Dr. Strangetweet, is an infuriating yet kick-a*s read:
You probably think the IRS monitoring any account over $600 is about tax cheats.
We are not the same.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
Keep going.
But I do have to ask…
How can you look at all of this *waves hand at the state of the country* and still trust government?
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
We don’t!
This isn't a Republican v Democrat thing.
It's not even Right v Left.It's "look with your own eyes at how bad government is at EVERYTHING".
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
Look at how bad our government is at EVERYTHING.
If we don’t laugh we’ll never stop throwing up.
The one thing the government used to be good at is war.
After Afghanistan, it sucks at that too.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
It really sucks at that now.
Thanks Biden!
I get if you're scared about COVID. Fine.
Buuuut why on God's green earth are you outsourcing your trust to the people who lie to your face every day?
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
Every day.
You want to trust the experts? Okay. But look at the experts.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
Their main COVID expert is the highest-paid government employee.
When every recommendation is "more government control, less personal freedom", at some point you gotta realize the game is rigged.
It's not a coincidence that the best "health" policies are "the government needs to monitor your every movement."
Come on, man. Think!
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
I know I know. When Trump didn't want to be investigated, the rally cry was "if you didn't do anything wrong, why not welcome the investigation?"
I'll tell you why:
The government will make shit up to put you away if they think it will benefit them.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
Think Russian collusion.
The FBI was in on Jan 6. It's a fact at this point.
The FBI set up Randy Weaver.
Cops drop guns and drugs on scenes to justify shootings.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
DAs hide or fabricate evidence.
Judges like being known for being tough on crime.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
Look up "civil forfeiture" and tell me the US government won't just zoink money from your account because they're not sure why you have so much.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
Do you really think you stand a chance in court against the feds trying to get your money back?
LOL I have a beachside condo in Phoenix I'll sell you cheap.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
Hey, remember when the IRS targeted groups in 2012 then destroyed phones and computers to cover up the evidence?
You really think they won't target you?
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
He’s right.
This isn't Right or Left.
This is 4th Amendment. This is being secure in your persons against warrantless searches.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
The IRS should have to get a warrant to access your bank account.
This will enable them to just do it.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
Stop thinking the government loves you. You're nothing more than kibble for its insatiable appetite for power.
— Dr Strangetweet or How I learned to love the RT (@lone_rides) September 30, 2021
Government loves GOVERNMENT.
And that’s the truth.
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