Oh, good, Republican strategists are tearing leading Republicans up again because THAT has worked out so well for the Right in the past. Sure, Liz Mair, write some hot take hit piece on DeSantis for the New York Times so you can pretend you’re still important, that your opinions still matter … to other political consultants.
And the media.
Christina Pushaw lit her up as only she can:
Most political consultants, including establishment GOP like this writer, do not understand something basic about @GovRonDeSantis: He makes decisions based on the data & guided by principles, not opinion polling from political operatives. This is leadership. It's rare these days. https://t.co/a0x2jFtWlE
— Christina Pushaw (@ChristinaPushaw) September 24, 2021
Republican strategists want candidates like W. or Jeb or McCain or Romney. Pretty, polished politicians who say stuff that appeals to moderates, who rarely if ever get elected though. Considering how badly they treated Trump we sort of expected this sort of finger-wagging, nagging, nonsense around DeSantis as well because he is like Trump but polished.
No mean tweets.
Pushaw continued:
These totally speculative hot takes about an election 3 years away are only of interest to a tiny percentage of Americans. Opinion pieces like this are written by political consultants, for their fellow political consultants and DC/NYC media.
— Christina Pushaw (@ChristinaPushaw) September 24, 2021
They’re written for attention and relevance.
‘Hey, look at me! I still matter! Wheeeeee!’
DeSantis BAD. *eye roll*
Remember guys, most public polling is not intended to measure public opinion. It's intended to SHAPE public opinion.
A former political consultant— Christina Pushaw (@ChristinaPushaw) September 24, 2021
To SHAPE public opinion.
And they’re already coming for DeSantis?
Imagine if they’d spend some time going after Biden instead.
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